Legal Paternity Actions

When a child is born within a marriage, the mother’s spouse automatically has legal paternity. If the couple is unmarried or if the biological father is someone other than the mother’s spouse, the biological father must take specific actions to establish legal paternity.

Establishing paternity in-hospital

Prior to the child being born or while the mother is still in the hospital giving birth, the unmarried parents can sign a Paternity Acknowledgement Affidavit.

Establishing paternity after a child’s birth

There are several paths to establishing paternity, depending on circumstances.

1. When both parents want to voluntarily establish paternity:

2. When a father wants to independently establish paternity through the Department of Social Services (DSS) or the Child Support Enforcement Division (CSE):

3. If a mother seeks child support and legal paternity has not been established, DSS and CSE will pursue the establishment of legal paternity before setting child support.

Fathers can also establish legal paternity through private means.