Family Law Essays

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Family Law Essays (Page 1)

Looking for family law dissertations? we have a range of dissertation content available at our sister website including example family law dissertations, proposals, literature reviews and dissertation topic and title examples.

The Legal Concept of Domicile

Example essay. Last modified: 22nd Sep 2021

Domicile is considered to be a connecting factor which links a person with a particular legal system.

Separation of Powers in the UK

Example essay. Last modified: 1st Sep 2021

The UK Relies On A System Of Checks And Balances To Prevent Against Abuses Of Power. Examine How The Checks And Balances Work To Prevent Against Potential Abuses Of Power And Discuss The Extent To Which The Current Administration Has Sought To Strengthen These Checks And Balances In Recent Years.

The Constitution of Mauritius and the Citizenship Act 1968

Example essay. Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

The Mauritian citizenship law must be followed without any exception in order for someone to acquire and retain a certificate of Mauritian citizenship. Therefore the Constitution of Mauritius and the Citizenship Act 1968 set the law on how a person can acquire a Mauritian citizenship.

Family Behaviour and Divorce Rates

Example essay. Last modified: 26th Aug 2021

The work is divided into three parts: the first sets out the important historical background to the debate, showing how and why the concept of no-fault divorce first emerged during the Enlightenment period; the second part offers an overview of the different legal regimes in Sweden and England, whilst the third part offers and evaluative discussion of the pros and cons of either approach.

Arguments for the Legalization of Same-sex Marriage

Example essay. Last modified: 26th Aug 2021

To make a valid argument concerning the legalization of homosexual marriage, one must consider a few important factors. First, is whether or not the right to marry one that should be granted to everyone regardless of sexual orientation. Secondly, is sexual orientation an innate feature or a personal choice.

Summary of the Nancy Cruzan Case (Mercy Killing)

Example essay. Last modified: 11th Jun 2021

When the United States Supreme Court handled the case, it ruled in favor of the Missouri Supreme Court’s judgment that Nancy Cruzan should remain on life-support because her family failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt that their daughter would have wished to have them terminate her life.

To What Extent Are Children's Rights Adequately Protected?

Example essay. Last modified: 1st Dec 2020

Child welfare is an issue of great concern for modern societies. Child welfare envisages taking care of needs of the child and giving child a .

Analysis of the Impact of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012

Example essay. Last modified: 17th Nov 2020

LASPO was an ambitious legislation, which carried out a major review of the legal aid system and introduced highly controversial reforms to the justice system.

Challenges for Legally Defining a Family

Example essay. Last modified: 10th Nov 2020

As Herring concludes, ‘the term ‘family’ does not have a fixed meaning.’[1] Law Lords have emphasised the requirement of ‘dependency’,[2] physicians have stated the requirement for ‘sexual intimacy’[3] and philosophers have asserted the requirement of ‘dependent children.

Same Sex Marriage on Family Values

Example essay. Last modified: 20th Aug 2019

The institution of marriage exists many centuries, but varies from year to year. However these changes do not occur as quickly as they used to.

Same-Sex Marriage and Polygamy: Legal Plurality

Example essay. Last modified: 16th Aug 2019

The law and the community conflict greatly and that legal plurality does not exist in relation to this particular institution.

Definition of Marriage

Example essay. Last modified: 16th Aug 2019

The classic legal definition of marriage can be found in Hyde v Hyde and Woodmansee, where Lord Penzance defined marriage as the ‘voluntary union.

Adoption and Children Act Proposal

Example essay. Last modified: 7th Aug 2019

This proposed legislation, attempts to create a pre-separation formal agreement in respect of the upbringing and residence of a child following the separation of the child�s parents.

Free Family Law Essay

Example essay. Last modified: 7th Aug 2019

Free Family Law Essays. Samantha and Gordon have been married for four years. Daniel and James, twins presently aged 13, live with them. They are Samantha's sons from a previous relationship.

Developments of Gay Rights in the US

Example essay. Last modified: 7th Aug 2019

In the end, it was the progressive values of equality and open-mindedness that drew in a wide rainbow of allies to the just cause of legalization of gay marriage.

Issues for Divorce Laws in Canada

Example essay. Last modified: 7th Aug 2019

According to civil unions, common-law unions, and marriage in Quebec, vigorous comparisons and contrasts arises regarding the different rights in divorce or separation.

Laws Regarding Homosexuals

Example essay. Last modified: 6th Aug 2019

During the last century laws regarding homosexuals changed significantly. During the 1960s, homosexuality was a criminal offence.

Course of Action Under the Children's Act

Example essay. Last modified: 6th Aug 2019

Paula visited the family. Jim claimed that Karen hurt her arm when she fell. He also claimed that Karen had taken his darts without his permission and accidentally caused the puncture wounds herself whilst playing with them.

Types of Marriage or Partnership Breakdown in Law

Example essay. Last modified: 6th Aug 2019

A four-part family law problem question, including topics such as divorce, civil partnership dissolution, ancillary relief and nullity.

Sharing the Beneficial Interest in Property

Example essay. Last modified: 6th Aug 2019

Lord Diplock’s judgment in Gissing effectively created what is now referred to as a common intention constructive trust.

Cohabitees Entitlement Rights

Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Jul 2019

While the distinction between the rights of spouses, civil partnerships and cohabitants was once defended by reference to social attitudes, cohabitation has gradually become accepted by society, sparking calls for reform.

Family and Welfare Law

Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Jul 2019

It is hard to see why adults should not be free to contract at the point of marriage for the financial consequences of any divorce, subject to inbuilt fairness tests.

Family Law Issues and Advice: Marriage and Children

Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Jul 2019

She should petition for the dissolution of the marriage. This will be on the basis that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.

Gay Marriage: Wrong or Right?

Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Jul 2019

One of the most discussed issues around today is gay marriages. Many people blame the media for the idea of same sex marriages but when you break it down it all comes down to two different.

Financial Support for Child

Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Jul 2019

As an example, the Applicant as a surviving spouse might need to pay for the children’s living expenses, their basic needs and health care.

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