10 Best Project Assessment Templates to Evaluate Projects

“What gets measured gets managed”, wrote Peter Drucker, one of the most well-known and influential thinkers and writers on management theory and practice.

This popular saying applies to project management as well.

According to The Wellingtone Annual Report on the State of Project Management (2021), 47% of Project Managers, PMO specialists, and programme managers do not have access to real-time project KPIs.

No wonder, then, that 66% of organizations report not being able to complete projects most of the time.

Having a realistic way to evaluate your milestones and check whether you’re on track to meet your goals is important to win at the project management game. That’s what a project assessment template can do for you.

But how do you know which template is right for you?

Use this article as your guide map to discover the 10 best project assessment templates, and pick the ones most suitable for your use-case.

10 Best Project Assessment Templates to Evaluate Projects