Life expectancy tables

GNR 1942 of 23 September 1977: Valuation of annuities or of fiduciary, usufructuary or

other limited interests in property in the estates of deceased persons (R)

NOTE:—These regulations were published in Government Notice No. R1942 contained in

Regulation Gazette No. 2533 of 23 September, 1977.

Calculations for the purposes of the valuation of annuities or of fiduciary, usufructuary

or other limited interests in property in the estate of any person who died or dies on

or after 1 April 1977 shall be made in accordance with the Tables subjoined hereto:(The

regulations promulgated under Government Notice 641 of 13 April 1956 shall

continue to apply in relation to the estate of any person who died before 1 April 1977.)

Table A

The Expectation of Life and the Present Value of R1 per Annum for Life Capitalised

at 12 per cent over the Expectation of Life of Males and Females of Various Ages.

Age next

birthday Expectation of life

Present value of R1 per annum for

life Age

Male Female Male Female

0 64,74 72,36 8,32791 8,33105 0*

1 65,37 72,74 8,32828 8,33114 1*

2 64,50 71,87 8,32776 8,33091 2*

3 63,57 70,93 8,32714 8,33064 3*

4 62,63 69,97 8,32644 8,33033 4*

5 61,69 69,02 8,32567 8,32999 5*

6 60,74 68,06 8,32480 8,32961 6*

7 59,78 67,09 8,32381 8,32918 7*

8 58,81 66,11 8,32271 8,32869 8*

9 57,83 65,14 8,32146 8,32815 9*

10 56,85 64,15 8,32007 8,32753 10*

11 55,86 63,16 8,31849 8,32684 11*

12 54,87 62,18 8,31673 8,32608 12*

13 53,90 61,19 8,31480 8,32522 13*

14 52,93 60,21 8,31265 8,32427 14*

15 51,98 59,23 8,31029 8,32320 15*

16 51,04 58,26 8,30770 8,32203 16*

17 50,12 57,29 8,30489 8,32071 17*

18 49,21 56,33 8,30180 8,31926 18*

Age next birthday Expectation of life Present value of R1 per annum for life Age

19 48,31 55,37 8,29841 8,31764 19* 20 47,42 54,41 8,29471 8,31584 20* 21 46,53 53,45 8,29061 8,31383 21* 22 45,65 52,50 8,28613 8,31161 22* 23 44,77 51,54 8,28117 8,30912 23* 24 43,88 50,58 8,27564 8,30633 24* 25 43,00 49,63 8,26959 8,30326 25*

26 42,10 48,67 8,26274 8,29981 26*

27 41,20 47,71 8,25516 8,29595 27*

28 40,30 46,76 8,24677 8,29171 28*

29 39,39 45,81 8,23737 8,28697 29*

30 38,48 44,86 8,22694 8,28170 30*

31 37,57 43,91 8,21538 8,27583 31*

32 36,66 42,96 8,20257 8,26930 32*

33 35,75 42,02 8,18836 8,26210 33*

34 34,84 41,07 8,17262 8,25400 34*

35 33,94 40,13 8,15536 8,24509 35*

36 33,05 39,19 8,13647 8,23517 36*

37 32,16 38,26 8,11558 8,22426 37*

38 31,28 37,32 8,09274 8,21199 38*

39 30,41 36,40 8,06781 8,19866 39*

40 29,54 35,48 8,04030 8,18386 40*

41 28,69 34,57 8,01067 8,16762 41*

42 27,85 33,67 7,97844 8,14983 42*

43 27,02 32,77 7,94344 8,13012 43*

44 26,20 31,89 7,90547 8,10881 44*

45 25,38 31,01 7,86380 8,08527 45*

46 24,58 30,14 7,81924 8,05956 46*

47 23,79 29,27 7,77109 8,03119 47*

48 23,00 28,41 7,71843 8,00026 48*

49 22,23 27,55 7,66236 7,96617 49*

50 21,47 26,71 7,60201 7,92950 50*

51 20,72 25,88 7,53713 7,88967 51*

52 19,98 25,06 7,46748 7,84646 52*

53 19,26 24,25 7,39387 7,79965 53*

54 18,56 23,44 7,31631 7,74834 54*

55 17,86 22,65 7,23234 7,69355 55*

56 17,18 21,86 7,14414 7,63363 56*

57 16,52 21,08 7,05178 7,56896 57*

58 15,86 20,31 6,95225 7,49927 58*

Table B.

Present Value of R1 per Annum Capitalised at 12 per cent over Fixed Periods. Years Amount Years Amount Years Amount Years Amount

N. —Fractions of a year are to be disregarded when using this table.

Example .—Testator, who died on 1 April 1977 left to (A) an annuity or usufruct value R100 per annum, to terminate when (A) attains majority, which will occur, say, at 30 September 1987. This period is found to be 10 years 6 months, but is taken

Therefore present value of R100 per annum for 10 years R565,