Goldmine new record dialog size adjustment

Use the Record tab to customize the display of the contact record and set the ZIP code validation and title appearing on the contact window.

1. ">Select Tools > Options.
2. ">At the User's Options dialog box, select Record.
3. ">In the Appearance area select:

Dark background. Browse windows appear with a gray background.

Bright background. Browse windows appear with a white background.

Use Large Font. Displays dialog box text in a large font.

This setting is designed for use with monitor display resolution of 1024x768 or higher using Windows’ small font option. It is not available if your display is set to a resolution of 640x480 or if using Windows’ large font option.

The Use Large Font option does not apply to the GM+View tab. To increase the display font size in IE 6.0, select View > Text Size and select the appropriate size.

Label Color. Displays the Color dialog box to select a color for all field labels displayed in Contact Records.

Data Color. Displays the Color dialog box to select a color for all field data displayed in Contact Records.

Tabs. Displays the Display Tabs dialog box to select the tabs to appear in the contact record and the tab order.

Select contents of fields. Selects or highlights data entered in a field when you click inside it.

Use a word format for user-defined dates. Displays dates in text form based on the format selected in the drop-down list.

Show numerics aligned to the right. Right-aligns numbers.

Show sort-by field on status bar. Displays the sort field on the left side of the status bar.

Open org tree when maximized. Displays the organization tree automatically when you maximize a contact record.

4. ">In the ZIP Code Validation area, select.

No Validation. GoldMine does not perform ZIP Code validation. When adding a new Contact Record or editing an existing record, the City field is edited first, followed by the State and Zip fields.

Default to primary city. GoldMine automatically validates ZIP Code entries on the contact record. When adding a new record or editing an existing record, the Zip field is edited first. If the entered ZIP code is found in the ZIP Code file, the city and state from the first matching ZIP Code record is placed automatically in the City and State fields on the Contact Record.

Show window of cities. When more than one city exists for a particular ZIP Code, GoldMine displays a browse window containing all the cities that ZIP Code is valid for. To select the appropriate city from the window, highlight the record, then press ENTER or double-click the entry.

Show 9 digits in lookup. Enlarges the ZIP column in the All ZIP Codes Lookup list to display a ZIP plus four entry.

NOTE: A complete ZIP Code database is available. Call your local GoldMine Partner or Ivanti for information.

5. ">In the Contact Window Title area, select:

Contact name. Displays the name of the contact in the title bar of each Contact Record. For example, if the contact name entry is John Doe, the title bar displays John Doe for that Contact Record.

NOTE: Whether this option displays Contact name or another name depends on the field label in GoldMine. If the field name is Contact, the label can be customized by the administrator.

Company name. Displays the company name in the title bar of the contact record.

NOTE: Whether this option displays Company name or another name depends on the field label in GoldMine. If the field name is Company, the label can be customized by the administrator.

6. ">Click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box.

To Change User Labels and Data Colors

When you click the Label Color or Data Color buttons on the Record tab, the Color dialog box displays. Use this dialog box to select from a predefined palate of colors or customize the color selection.

1. ">Click the Label Color or Data Color button.
2. ">Use one of the following methods to pick a color:

Select a color from the Basic colors pallet.

Define and add a custom color to the Custom colors pallet.

3. ">Click OK to use the selected color.
1. ">On the Record tab, click the Define Custom Colors button.
2. ">Click anywhere in the color picker to select the approximate color.
3. ">Move the luminosity slider (located on the right of the color pallet) up or down to adjust the color brightness.

Alternately, you can enter the Hue, Saturation, Luminosity, as well as the Red, Green, and Blue levels manually by typing in their respective values.

4. ">Click the Add to Custom Colors button.

Custom colors are added to Custom colors pallet and are also available for future selection

5. ">Select the new color on the Custom colors pallet.
6. ">Click OK to use the selected color.

To Set the Contact Record Tabs

The User's access to Contact Record tabs can be configured by a Master User. After being set for the user (or all users) by a Master User, only the tabs selected in the Tabs Access dialog box are available.

1. ">On the User’s Options dialog box, click the Record tab.
2. ">Click the Tabs button.
3. ">Make the following changes as desired:

Check the tabs that you want available for the selected user.

Reposition the tabs by selected the tab name and clicking the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

Rename any selected tab by clicking the Rename button and making your change on the Edit Tab Label dialog box. If you create a shortcut, be sure that it is not currently used by another tab.

Apply these changes to all users by checking the Customize globally option.

4. ">Click OK to apply your changes and close the dialog box.

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