If you are planning on changing the function of a building from one use to another, then the likely route you will go down is seeking what is known as Change of Use Planning Permission. This sort of permission is specifically used for taking an existing plot or building that has been approved for one use class, and seeking to use it for something else instead. In technical terms, this is known as changing its “use class”. Use Class is a planning term that outlines what the function/use of a building is. There are numerous use classes which are identified with a letter and a number. For example, a hairdressers would be considered a use class A1. If you wanted to convert that shop into a training centre, then that would be classed as D1, a non-residential institution. In order to make that change, you would require Change of Use Planning Permission. There are four main areas of use class – A (which covers retail and professional services), B (which covers business, industrial and storage, C (which covers residential property – including care homes and hotels) and D (which covers leisure and other ‘institutions’). Each of these is then further subdivided into more specific categories (A2, C2a etc). A list of use classes can be reviewed on the planning portal.
Remember, that like other parts of the planning system, you do not always need planning permission – some Change of Use Planning will be allowed under Permitted Development rules. Before incurring costs of applying, speak to a Planning Consultant , or your Local Planning Authority, to find out if your scheme is allowed through this route or whether you require Change of Use Planning Permission.
However, even if you are able to go down the Permitted Development route, for some Change of Use Planning , you will still need to seek something called ‘Prior Approval’ from your local council. This is a condition attached to changes that might be allowed under Permitted Development and allows the Local Planning Authority to consider the proposals and their potential impact on the local area. A Planning Consultant will be able to advise on this requirement. Prior Approval application costs vary depending on the changes you are proposing, but will usually cost a set fee of £96 or £206 for most Change of Use Planning .