Conair FB3 manual

Conair FB3

All FB3 Models For your safety and continued enjoyment of this product, always read the instruction book carefully before using.



Whe n usi ng an el ec tric al pro duc t, bas ic saf ety pre cau tion s shou ld always b e followe d, inclu ding th e followi ng:




T o reduce t he risk of d eath by ele ctr ic shock : 1. Always unpl ug this appl iance from the electrical outlet immediately af ter using and befor e cleaning. 2. Do no t reac h for an a pplia nce t hat ha s fall en int o wate r . Unp lug immediately . 3. Do n ot use w hile bathing or in a s hower . 4. Do no t place or s tore ap pliance wh ere it ca n fall or be pulle d into a tub or sink . Do not pl ace or dro p into wat er or othe r liquids.


T o reduce t he risk of b urns, ele ctr ocut ion, fire o r injur y to per sons: 1. An ap plian ce sh ould n ever b e lef t un at ten ded wh en pl ugge d in. Unp lug fr om ou tle t wh en not i n use, a nd be for e put ti ng on or taking of f part s. 2. Do not o per ate u nder b lanke t or pill ow. Exce ssi ve hea ting c an occ ur and c aus e fire, e lec tri c sho ck, o r injur y t o per son s. 3. Thi s applianc e should not b e used by, on, or near childr en, or per sons wi th cer t ain disabili ties. 4. Use t his applian ce only for i ts int ended use a s desc ribed in thi s manual. D o not us e at tachmen ts th at were not in tended f or this 5. Nev er ope rat e thi s appli ance i f it has a d amag ed cor d or plu g, if it is not working properly , or if it ha s been dropped or damaged, or dr opp ed int o wat er . Ret urn t he ap plian ce to t he pla ce of pur chas e for exa mina tio n and re pair. 6. Do no t carr y t his applianc e by supply co rd or use c ord as a h andle. 7 . Keep th e cord away f rom hea ted sur face s. 8. Never o perat e the applia nce wit h the air op enings bloc ked. Keep th e air openin gs free o f lint, hair a nd other p ar ticles . 9. Never dr op or inser t a ny object in to any opening . 1 0. T o disconn ect, t urn all co ntr ols to the O FF p osit ion, then r emove plug fro m the out let. 1 1. Do not us e outdo ors . 1 2. Do not o perat e where aer osol (sp ray) pro duct s are bein g used or where oxygen is being administered. 1 3. Do no t at tempt to plug in o r unplug unit while f eet are in t he water. 1 4. Do not s ta nd on or in the f oot ba th. Us e only while se ated. Pl ace feet in bat h and remove fee t from b ath while in a s eated p ositi on only. 1 5. Never op erate o n a sof t sur fac e, such as a be d or couch, w here air opening s may be blocked. 1 6. Us e heated s ur face ca refully ; may cause s erious b urns. D o not use on s ensiti ve skin or in t he pres ence of po or circula tion. T he unat tend ed use of he at by children or in capaci tat ed pers ons may be dangerous. 1 7 . T his applia nce is for h ouseho ld use only. 1 8. T o prevent s calding, never a dd boiling or s teaming wat er to the foot ba th. 1 9. Do no t handle plug wi th wet han ds.



Servicing of Double-Insulated Products
In a dou ble-insul ated pro duct , tw o systems o f insulat ion are pr ovided inst ead of gro unding. No gr ounding mea ns is provid ed on a double - insulat ed produ ct, no r should a mea ns for gr ounding be adde d to the prod uct. S er vicing a do uble-insul ated pr oduct r equires ex treme c are and k nowledge o f the sys tem, and s hould be don e only by quali fied ser vice p erso nnel. Replac ement par t s for a doub le-insula ted pro duct must b e identic al to the p ar ts t hey replace. A do uble-ins ulated pr oduct is marke d with t he words “ DOU B LE I NS UL A T ION ” or “DO UB L E IN SU L AT ED. ” The s ymbol (squa re wit hin a square) may als o be marke d on the p roduc t.
Place f oot on ma ss ager . Move your fo ot ar ound for mo re pres sure and
Gener ally, massag e should no t last lo nger tha n 1 0 –1 5 minut es. T reatme nt may be applied o nce or t wice d aily as des ired. A llow unit to co ol befo re using again . As a per son’s met abolism va ries, s o does his or her re spons e to mas sage. You should adju st your ma ssag e time to suit yo ur needs an d pers onal com for t. I f you have any co ncerns rega rding tre atment , we recommen d you cons ult your physi cian.



T o reduce t he risk of e lectr ic shoc k, this a ppliance ha s a polar ized plug (one blade i s wider tha n the ot her). T his plug will fit in a p olarized out let only one w ay . If the p lug does no t fit full y in the out let, reve rse the plug. I f it s till does n ot fit , cont act a qua lified el ectr ician to ins tall the pr oper ou tlet. D o not cha nge the plug in any w ay .
1. Consult your physici an before using in case of i llness or medical con dit ion, i nclu ding bu t not li mit ed to pa cema ker us e, pre gnan cy, can cer, infe ct ion, f rac tur e or pe rsi st ent pa in. 2. Do no t use if you ex perienc e unexplained p ain or swollen mu scles, or follo wing a seri ous injur y , befor e consul ting your phy sician. 3. Do not u se if yo u have any o f the f ollo wing c ondi tion s: diabetes , tuberculosis, benign or malignant tumor s, phlebitis or thrombosis, hemorrhages, open or fresh wounds, ulcerated sores, varicose veins, poor circulation or bruised, discolored, burned, broken, sw ollen or i nflamed skin. 4. Thi s prod uct s hou ld not b e use d by any ind ivid ual su ff eri ng fr om a con dit ion t hat lim its o r alto get her i nhibi ts t he us er’s cap acit y to f eel o r have se nsa tio n in any par t o f the b ody. 5. If yo u experien ce pain in a musc le or joint fo r a prolon ged perio d of time, disc ontinue u se and co nsult your phy sician. Pe rsis tent pain could be a s ymptom o f a more ser ious co ndition . 6. Us e of this pr oduct s hould be plea san t and comf or tab le. Should pain or disc omfor t re sult, dis cont inue use and c onsult yo ur physicia n. 7 . Never us e while sleeping o r drowsy. 8. Ens ure tha t your hands a re dr y when ope rating t he con trols o r removing t he plug. 9. Do no t use while ba thing or sh owering. U se only in a dr y are a. 1 0. A lways unplug t he unit fr om the elec tric al out let immediatel y af ter using an d befor e cleaning. 1 1. Keep out o f reach of childr en.
1 . Make sur e foot ba th is in O FF po sitio n. 2. Plac e foot b ath on fl oor , fill wit h warm or c old wate r to the level indica tor M A X . Do no t fill above wa ter -level indica tor . Never over fill. Plu g into wall ou tlet . Never plug in or un plug the fo ot bat h while your fe et are in wa ter . 3. Th e heat se tt ing is design ed to maint ain the t emperat ure of wa rm water, not to hea t water. 4. Sit in a cha ir and place yo ur feet in the w ater . Never s tand in f oot 5. Pus h but ton t o sta r t. 6. Pu sh but ton t o OF F posi tion af te r use and dis connec t from o utlet befo re empt ying wat er . Empt y water ou t of the s ide oppo site side with control knobs. 7 . T o clean foo t bath, t urn ap pliance of f an d unplug fro m outle t and then r inse wit h water. (Never s ubmerge unit in w ater .) Wipe wi th a damp clo th. Do no t use any s trong c hemical clea ners or s olvent s such as benzene, harsh deter gents or abra sives. 8. T his unit has n o user -ser vic eable par t s. 9. T o stor e: Unplug the a ppliance f rom the o utlet . St ore in applia nce box or a clea n, dr y place. T o avoid brea kage, do no t wrap t he power c ord aro und the uni t. Do no t hang the uni t by the co rd.
Push-button contr ol tur ns on / of f vibr atio n & heat Over 1 50 stimulating massage nodes Line cord wrap Foot res t splashguard Massaging att a chment
Con air w ill rep air o r repl ace (at o ur opt ion) your u nit f ree of cha rge fo r 1 2 mont hs fr om the da te of pur cha se if th e app lian ce is def ective in w orkmanship or ma terials. T o o btai n ser vi ce un der t his war ra nty, retur n the de fec tive pro duc t to the se r vic e cen ter lis ted be low, togeth er wit h your p urc has e rec eipt a nd $1 2.0 0 for p ost age a nd ha ndlin g. Cali for nia re sid ents n ee d only p rovid e pro of of pu rcha se an d sho uld c all 1-80 0 -3 66 - 0937 fo r ship ping i nstr uc tion s. In the abs en ce of a pu rcha se re ce ipt, th e warr ant y pe rio d sha ll be 1 2 m onths from t he date of m anu fac ture. ANY IMPLIED W ARRANTIES, OBLIGA TIONS, OR LI ABI LIT IE S, I NCLU DI NG BU T NOT LI MI TED TO T HE IMPL IED W ARR ANTY OF MERCHAN T ABILITY AND FIT NESS FOR A PART ICU L AR PU RP OS E, S HA LL B E LIM ITE D IN D UR A TIO N TO THE 12- MON TH DU R A T ION O F TH IS WRIT TEN, LIMITED WARRA NTY . Some s tate s do not a llow limi tati ons o n how lon g an imp lie d warr ant y la sts , so the a bove limi tati ons m ay not ap ply to you . IN N O EV EN T SH ALL C ON AI R BE LI AB LE FOR A NY SPECIAL, I NCIDENT AL , OR CONSEQ UENTIAL D AMAGE S FOR B RE ACH O F THI S OR A NY OT HE R WARR AN T Y , E XPR ES S OR I MPLI ED, W HA TS OE VE R . Some s tate s do not a llow the excl usi on or lim ita tion of s pe cial, i nci dent al, or con se que ntia l dama ges , so the a bove lim itat ion may n ot app ly This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state. For information on any Conair pro duc t call: 1-80 0 -326 - 624 7 o r 1 -8 00 - 528-9 38 4, or vis it us on th e web at: w w w .c onai r .co m Please register this pr oduct at: www .conair .com/registration Service Center Conair Corpora tion Ser vice Department 7 47 5 N. Gle n Har bo r Blvd. Gle nda le, A Z 85 307 © 2 01 2 Conair Corporation w w w .co na ir .co m 1 2PS132 471 I B -11 4 6 9


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Conair FB3 specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Conair FB3.

The Conair FB3 foot bath is equipped with a massage function that can help to relax and soothe tired feet. With 150 massage nodes, it provides a comprehensive and invigorating foot massage experience. The foot bath does not come with a timer function, so users will need to monitor the duration of their foot soak manually. The dimensions of the Conair FB3 foot bath are approximately 40 centimeters in length, 30 centimeters in width, and 20 centimeters in height. The foot bath is designed to accommodate most foot sizes comfortably. It is made of durable materials that ensure longevity and stability during use. The Conair FB3 foot bath is a practical and convenient device for those looking to pamper themselves with a relaxing foot massage at home. Easy to use and maintain, this foot bath can be a valuable addition to a self-care routine. However, it is important to note that the Conair FB3 foot bath does not come with a timer function, which may be a consideration for those who prefer automated settings.