
Chemical, physical and material properties and data of the chemical element Barium.


General Information about Barium

Regular name Barium Chemical symbol Ba Other names Historical names Name meaning, origin Discovery (year) Occurence Position in the PSE Group membership

Atomar Properties of Barium

Atomic number Z 56 = number of protons Standard Atomic Weight 137.327 (7)

Electron configuration of Barium

22626102610 26 2

Shorthand electron configuration of Barium: [Xe] 6s 2 .

Ionization Energies of Barium

The following table lists the ionization energies IE (ionization potentials); the IE is the energy required in electron volt (eV) per atom to separate a given electron from an Barium atom.


Isotopic Data of Barium

An overview of the nuclides as well as the isotopic data and properties are listed on the following page: Barium isotopes.

Chemistry of Barium

Oxidation states + 2 Electronegativity 0.9 (Pauling original)
0.89 (Pauling)
0.881 (Allen)
0.93 (Sanderson)
0.97 (Allred-Rochow)
2.4 eV (Pearson) Electron affinity 0.144 62(6) eV
13.954(6) kJ mol -1

Standard Electrode Potential

E 0 (V)SymbolNoxName Ox.
Name Red.
e -
-2.912Ba+ II
Barium cation
Ba 2+
⇄ Ba (s)
+ 2 e -

Material and Physical Properties

Melting point 727 °C Enthalpy of fusion (molar) 7.12 kJ mol -1 Boiling point 1845 °C Enthalpy of vaporization 150.9 kJ mol -1 Density 3.51 g cm -3